Tigerlily Foundation’s Clinical Trials Program is a transformational initiative to accelerate the delivery of innovative treatments to our patients with a strategic focus on populations that face the highest disparities.
Why do we do this work?
We know that most patients of color are not offered trials until their cancers are at a more advanced stage.
We know that people of color are underrepresented in clinical trials, yet have the highest mortality rates across multiple disease states.
We know that this is unacceptable.
We are working to transform the clinical trial landscape by building trust and transparency, to achieve equity in clinical trials in this lifetime by holding stakeholders accountable, and to dismantle barriers for patients of color.
Black people account for less than 5% of participants in clinical trials.
(FDA 2019 Drug Trial Snapshot Summary Report)

Black women under 35 get breast cancer at two times the rate of white women and die at three times the rate.
(Lisa A. Carey. et al., “Race, Breast Cancer Subtypes, and Survival in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study,” Journal of the American Medical Association)
Lack of diversity and representation in clinical trials are the primary reasons why it is not known which treatments are most effective treatments for Black women with breast cancer.
(Yedjou CG, Sims JN, Miele L, et al. Health and Racial Disparity in Breast Cancer. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1152:31-49. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20301-6_3)

Information on Clinical Trials
As a breast cancer patient, it is important to know about clinical trials as a safe and effective treatment option. Not only are clinical trials a critical part of the development of treatments, but your participation helps researchers, patients, and advocates learn more about diseases and helps to ensure that future treatments are safe and effective for everyone. Here, we provide you with important information you should know as you get started on your clinical trial journey.
Real People, Real Stories
Clinical trials can change lives! Here, we feature stories of people that have participated in clinical trials – why they decided to consider a trial, what were the most important aspects for their consideration, how they discussed it with their doctor and family, and the effects it had on their lives. We also feature stories from individuals who support clinical trials to get their perspective on why trial participation is important and what makes them want to work in this field to bring new treatments to those that need them.
Connecting to Clinical Trials
Finding the right clinical trial at the right time is critical to giving patients more time with the ones they love and also in contributing to lifesaving research. Here, you will find three different clinical trial databases. These databases were selected not only for their level of transparency and comprehensiveness, but also for the simplicity of the user experience.
Clinical Trials Advisory Committee
Tigerlily has sought out and assembled a diverse group representing the nation’s greatest innovators and advocates in clinical trial design and equity. This powerhouse team consists of physicians, lawyers, industry professionals, patient advocates, influencers, and patients all on a mission to reshape clinical trials and delivery of healthcare to facilitate patient participation and outcomes.
Understanding the details about each clinical trial is critical to understanding how it will work for your treatment journey and lifestyle. This is why we bring you CLEART (CLinical Trials Explained & Analyzed in Real World Terminology) – clinical trial descriptions in language you’ll understand.
Updates from Industry
The clinical trial field is always changing, bringing new treatments and new clinical trial opportunities to the table. From our industry partners, we have selected some key updates in the world of breast cancer treatments and want to she these updates with you.
Content Library
We have created and compiled several helpful guides for you to view and download that will support you on your clinical trial journey. Check out our toolkits, barrier guides, infographics, video series, and more!
Partner Resources
At Tigerlily, we are committed to providing you with the most up to date information along with resources to help you on your journey. We know that this is a challenging time and we want to provide you with resources not only Tigerlily offers, but also from our partners. Consider some of these programs from Tigerlily and other advocacy groups.
Tigerlily’s Clinical Trial Newsletter
Tigerlily has established a quarterly informational newsletter focusing on clinical trials in the breast cancer space. Our newsletter includes educational content, real stories from trial participants and clinical researchers, partner resources, and more!
Our Partners & Supporters